Teacher Development

It’s hard to hire teachers who know how to write code, and even harder to find teachers who can teach this skill effectively. As a result, many schools are turning to fully automated online coding curriculum, but there is no substitute for having an engaged teacher.

We offer professional development for computer science, STEM, or computer programming teachers in the areas of:

  • Learning and Implementing enCode Create curriculum

  • Content Mastery

  • Curriculum Creation

  • Scaffolding and Rigorous Student Assessment

  • SCRUM Software Development Practices and Student Projects

We know what it takes

Looking to start teaching code for the first time? Not sure how to go about starting? Make use of our expertise in what it takes to create a meaningful program, hire and keep good programming teachers, and make sense of all your options for hardware, software, and curriculum.

Schools and districts looking for help getting a program off the ground can can benefit from consulting services.

Inquire at manager@encodecreate.com
